Alábbi megjegyzéseket ajánlanám figyelmébe mindenkinek, aki hangosan nevetett ki azon állításom kapcsán, hogy márpedig minden emlőst szőr borít. Különösen ajánlom bejegyzésem azok figyelmébe, akik a delfint hozták fel ellenpéldának:
" other animals except mammals have hair. It is a definitive characteristic of the order. Some mammals have very little, albeit in obscure parts of their bodies, but nonetheless, careful examination reveals the characteristic. None are known to have hair that naturally is blue or green in color although some cetaceans, along with the mandrills appear to have shades of blue skin. Many mammals are indicated as having blue hair or fur, but in all known cases, it has been found to be a shade of gray. The two-toed sloth and the polar bear may seem to have green fur, but this color is caused by algae growths." - Wikipedia
About the Dolphin: "Hair... may be greatly reduced in the Cetacea, where it is found as a few scattered bristles about the lips or often present only in the young." - W. J. Hamilton, American Mammals.
"Dolphins even have hair, one of the main characteristics that mammals developed on land, though dolphin hair is minimal. The fossil record reveals the evolutionary stages from four-legged land mammals to marine mammals with reduced extremities." - dolphin reef
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2 megjegyzés:
figyelmedbe ajánlom a perui szőrtelen kutyát, ami leginkább egy patkányhoz hasonlít..
"Only mammals have hair. All mammals have hair at some time in their life, though in certain whales it is present only before birth. " - Vagyis bizonyos bálnafajtákat nem. :)
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